Setting good quality Section E EHCP outcomes is becoming increasingly challenging.
Setting good quality Section E EHCP outcomes is becoming increasingly challenging. With tight timeframes, larger caseloads than ever and more EHCP applications flooding in, creating personalised and good EHCP outcomes without several amendments is challenging. We share examples of good EHCP outcomes and how to win every time.
An EHCP outcome is the long or short-term aims for each area of need in an EHCP. They should be tailored to the child to improve their life significantly. No specific number of EHCP outcomes should be created for each child or young person. The Education, Health and Care professionals creating the outcomes should be mindful of achieving each outcome. The SMART targets should be easily tracked and monitored by the school.
Section E EHCP outcomes are created to secure the best possible outcomes for a child or young person with SEND needs. The outcomes section is heavily influenced by Section A (aspirations), Section B (individual needs) and Section F(provision). Tying all sections together, Section E outcomes guide if the child has made the intended progress.
What makes a good EHCP outcome? There is currently no standardised template for EHCPs across England. This means there is significant variation between Local Areas’ EHCP applications and the judgement on whether the EHCP meet a good or outstanding standard.
8 steps can be taken to ensure outstanding EHCP outcomes are written:
1. Use a digital standardised template to guide all professionals on the level of detail needed to meet the SEND Code of Practice required SMART targets.
2. Decide short and long-term outcomes that will enable improved life opportunities and possibilities for the child or young person.
3. Personalise the information using the individual’s name and information from Sections A and B.
4. Target skills that can be influenced and developed in the EHCP outcomes.
5. Ensure all targets and outcomes are highly ambitious and high expectations are demonstrated.
6. Include preparation for adulthood (PFA) in EHCP outcomes throughout a child’s educational journey, beginning in the early years. A specific and targeted focus on PFA themes should be observable for children past Year 9 school age.
7. Be mindful of avoiding several similar outcomes; this can make it difficult for schools to monitor and manage.
8. Do not duplicate the same EHCP outcome across several areas of need; place the outcome in the area of need it best fits.
An ‘outcome sandwich’ can be useful when creating good or outstanding EHCP outcomes.
By the end of(choose a time frame)…
Christopher will be able to (pick a measurable skill)…
This will allow him to (explain what will be made possible).
Heidi (aged 9) is developing her alternative recording skills. By the end of KS2, she will be able to independently use her iPad to produce and edit short pieces of written work of up to 300 words, allowing Heidi to engage in her literacy lessons fully.
By the end of the term, Rowan will have a preferred method of receiving sensory feedback, allowing him to independently begin to emotionally regulate and increase his ability to engage with the lesson independently.
By the end of the academic year, Shyam will greet two members of his peers on arrival to class and engage in a reciprocal conversation with at least three communication exchanges. This will help Shyam form and maintain positive peer relationships.
By the end of the term, Ethan will have tried 3 new situations involving teamwork; he will proactively implement a taught strategy that allows him to identify, label, and manage his feelings(substituting an impulsive aggressive reaction). This will help him to remain in class for extended periods, develop positive peer relationships and understand his emotional response.
By the end of KS4, Ed (14 years old) can move around his community safely. He will:
Invision360 is the UK’s leading digital EHCP audit tool. Used by education and health care professionals, Local Area SEND and EHCP auditors and schools. It ensures greater consistency in quality assuring EHCPs and saves 50% more time when auditing. Invision360’s EHCP audit tool clearly highlights whether a Section E (Outcomes) is outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate. Helping Local Areas to benchmark their EHCP quality against other Local Areas (over 45 LAs nationally). The award-winning tool has been recognised by Ofsted and CQC in helping LAs to improve both the quality and consistency of EHCPs.
Hop over to our 'Book a demo' page to book your free demo.
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