Stepping up EHCP Annual Reviews with Invision360's upgraded tool
Lydia Polom
Marketing Manager

Stepping up EHCP Annual Reviews with Invision360's upgraded tool

Introducing Invision360's enhanced EHCP Annual Review Tool

Stepping up EHCP Annual Reviews with Invision360's upgraded tool

Stepping up EHCP Annual Reviews with Invision360's upgraded tool

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Invision360 EHCP Annual Review Tool

This new version offers an improved user experience and features to strengthen the quality of EHCP annual reviews.

Designed by local authority SEND services for local authority SEND services, our upgraded tool incorporates extensive insights and feedback from our network of thirty local authority partners. This new and improved version replaces our legacy product, ensuring that each child or young person’s plan is as effective and impactful as possible, year after year.

The Importance of quality assurance in EHCP annual reviews

Quality assurance within annual EHCP reviews is not just a statutory requirement; it's essential for delivering personalised, effective support to children and young people with SEND.

The annual review process offers a vital opportunity to assess progress towards outcomes, decide if requirements from education, health, and social care settings need adjusting, and engage with the child or young person and their parents or carers about their experience.

However, without a robust framework, maintaining a high standard of care can be challenging. That’s where Invision360’s tool comes into play, setting a new benchmark for quality.

“The first recognisable thing that the Invision360 EHCP Annual Review tool helped us identify was that our annual review paperwork/process was not suitable.
We identified that we are not always responding to annual reviews in time. We noticed that certain settings were not returning paperwork on time, which directly impacts timeliness. What we are gradually doing, in a very structured way, is to educate, put in place new processes and build relationships. The Invision360 Annual Review tool allows us to see, far more clearly, through identified common themes, where those that conduct reviews may be struggling and where we need to improve.”

Rebecca Farrell, SEND Quality Improvemnt Officer, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Key features of the NEW Invision360 EHCP annual review tool

Our enhanced tool is the only recognised standardised tool designed specifically to audit the quality of the entire annual review process. It enables local authority professionals to evaluate the quality of themes against nationally recognised good practices and assigns grades such as gold, silver, or bronze. Additionally, it offers an overall grading of the annual review process, ensuring comprehensive quality assurance.

Progress towards long-term outcomes and Impact evidence

Gather extensive data sets without impacting the capacity and demand on your SEND team.

Instantly access detailed information about EHCP annual reviews, including progress towards long-term outcomes and experiential data shared during meetings. Clearly demonstrate the impact of EHCPs and gain insights by exploring, analysing and comparing progress across various cohorts and settings.

Quantitative and qualitative outcomes

Providing both numerical data and narrative insights, the tool gives a holistic view of the annual review process's quality.

Capture the child or young person’s experience:

One of the most significant advantages of our new tool is its ability for children and young people to contribute to the annual review process by sharing experimental data during the annual review meeting. By capturing the perspectives of children, young people, parents and carers directly within the review, and enabling local authorities to generate individual feedback links, the tool ensures that every voice is heard. This direct insight is invaluable for tailoring EHCPs to better meet individual needs.

The feedback survey, tailored for both young and older children, is simple to use and presented in a multiple-choice format, allowing individuals to share their experiences.

Moderation between auditors

Ensuring consistent auditing and accurate data, our tool facilitates effective moderation between auditors.

Real-time data and feedback

With just a touch of a button, local authorities can access detailed information about EHCP annual reviews.

Build bespoke reports for In-depth analysis and insights: Understanding the nuances of EHCP annual reviews requires more than just raw data; it requires in-depth analysis and actionable insights. Our enhanced tool's new reporting dashboard and bespoke report builder functionality empower local authorities to create custom reports dependent on the audience. Whether it’s senior leaders, parent carer forums, school communities or SEND governance group, these reports can incorporate both quantitative data and qualitative narrative, directly into graphs and visuals, providing a clearer picture of the EHCP annual reviews.

Looking ahead: Benchmarking and continuous improvement

As we continue to innovate, a forthcoming feature will allow local authorities to benchmark the quality of their annual review process against the average/aggregate of all other local authorities using the tool, driving continuous improvement across the board.

The launch of the enhanced EHCP Annual Review tool marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of driving excellence in education health and care plans. By integrating advanced features designed to improve quality assurance, streamline the review process, and offer actionable insights, we are helping local authorities set a new standard for EHCP annual reviews.

Book a demo

We invite local authorities to join us in trans forming the quality of EHCP annual reviews, ensuring that every child and young person receives the support they need to thrive. Interested in finding out more? Hop over to our book a demo page.

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